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Wolf Tooth Parts 8-Bit Equipment One Evaluation


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The latest addition to Wolf Tooth Components’ line of packable multi-tools is a three-piece kit that offers 22 functions and several clever integrations designed to keep you rolling when things go wrong. Find our thoughts and a closer look at the complete Wolf Tooth 8-Bit Kit One here…

We’ve been keeping a watchful eye on Wolf Tooth Components’ ever-evolving line of US-made multi-tools from the very beginning, and many of their thoughtfully designed gadgets have earned positive reviews here on the site. Their original Pack Pliers were released back in 2018, and in 2020 they added the 17-function 8-Bit Pack Pliers, based around the same folding design. A few weeks back, Wolf Tooth launched the entire 8-Bit System, which completes the kit by including a more comprehensive assortment of functions that should help get you out of nearly any sticky situation out on the trail. The new system is made up of two entirely new tools that pair with the 8-Bit Pack Pliers, available to purchase individually or as the 8-Bit Kit One for all three.

The 8-Bit Kit One consists of three separate tools that nest together using a mix of magnets and tiny pins. Together, they provide 22 functions, including a swivel hex tool, master link pliers, a tire lever, chain breaker, a tire plug kit, and much more. It’s a well-equipped suite of tools, taking care of nearly any common trailside mechanical that you’re bound to encounter. The full kit weighs 171g and when nested together measures 146mm x 20mm x 28mm. Each tool is machined from 7075-T6 aluminum, the tire lever is made from a high-strength nylon composite, and the 8-Bit tool has a Chromium-vanadium steel head with S2 Tool Steel bits. In typical Wolf Tooth fashion, all three tools are made in the USA.

Wolf tooth 8-bit Kit One

  • Wolf Tooth 8-bit-system review
  • Wolf Tooth 8-bit-system review

8-Bit Chainbreaker + Utility Knife Multi-Tool

The 8-Bit Chainbreaker + Utility Knife Multi-Tool is an exciting addition to Wolf Tooth’s 8-Bit lineup. It has three functions: chain breaker, utility knife, and tire plugger. While none of us hope to have to use a chain breaker while out bikepacking, we consider it a mandatory tool for any repair kit, and we’re glad to see Wolf Tooth adding one in. The chain breaker folds out away from the body of the tool and is operated using the included 3mm hex L key. The same L key doubles as a tire plugger, which slots into the body of the tool with the fork end extending outward. There’s even a curved thumb pad machined into the tool, which provides a nice stable handle for plugging stubborn tires. Wolf Tooth includes five standard bacon strip style plugs that fit inside the tool next to the L key.

Wolf Tooth 8-Bit Kit One Review

  • Wolf Tooth 8-bit system review
  • Wolf Tooth 8-bit system review

The utility knife is exposed by pressing on a small hex bolt on the backside of the tool and sliding up. The blade locks into place and must be pressed and slid again to tuck it back inside. The same thumb pad works with the knife, which provides a solid grip for trimming excess tire plugs, zip ties, and so forth. The main cover on the tool also locks when the blade is out, which is a clever little feature. Inside, there’s room to stash the included L key, a spare valve core, a spare utility blade (also included), and tire plugs.

Having had the chance to test all of the functions, there’s not much I would change. The chain breaker and tire plugger tools are well designed and feel sturdy when in use. The same can’t be said for most packable multi-tools out there that either lack the size or leverage necessary to perform any meaningful repairs. I’d say both are more in line with shop-quality tools than a tiny multi-tool. The only real complaint I have is that the valve core, when stashed inside the handle, pops out easily with the handle open. I’ve dropped the valve core twice now when opening the tool upside down, and although I quickly learned my lesson, it would be nice to see some sort of retention clip or band to help avoid misplacing it.

  • Wolf Tooth 8-bit-system review
  • Wolf Tooth 8-Bit Kit One Review
  • Material: 7075-T6 aluminum
  • Weight (as tested): 72 grams (with valve core/tire plugs)
  • Place of Manufacture: USA
  • Price: $69.95 USD
  • Manufacturer’s Details:

8-Bit Tire Lever + Rim Dent Remover Multi-Tool

While not quite as exciting as the Chain Breaker and Utility Knife, the 8-Bit Tire Lever + Rim Dent Remover Multi-Tool helps round out the entire kit. Unlike the original Pack Pliers, which had a machined aluminum tire lever, the 8-Bit version uses a high-strength nylon composite lever that’s easier on rims and has some natural flex while in use. The tire end has a nice tight curve to it that grabs tires nicely and seems to limit the chance of pinching a tube. On the other end, the machined aluminum dent remover can hook onto any metal rim and help bend things back after a big impact.

While the dent remover might not be as essential as the tire lever, it’s a cool inclusion and certainly not common on most multi-tools. It’s worth noting that it can be used on its own or stashed together with both of the other 8-Bit Multi Tools. Wolf Tooth has designed the tools in a way that they can be stashed together as pairs in any combination or, of course, as a complete system.

Wolf Tooth 8-Bit Kit One Review

  • Material: 7075-T6 aluminum / high-strength nylon composite
  • Weight (as tested): 30 grams
  • Dimensions: 146mm x 20mm x 8mm
  • Place of Manufacture: USA
  • Price: $19.95 USD
  • Manufacturer’s Details:

8-Bit Pack Pliers Multi-Tool

Since Logan already published a in-depth look at the 8-Bit Pack Pliers here, I’ll keep this brief. The 8-Bit Pack Pliers are the core of Wolf Tooth’s 8-Bit system, packing 17 functions into a sleek and functional little package. The plier portion of the tool refers to its ability to open and close master links, as well as valve stem nuts.

Wolf Tooth 8-bit system review

  • Wolf Tooth 8-bit system review
  • Wolf Tooth 8-bit system review

Stashed on the inside, there are six bits for the swivel head driver on the bottom end of the tool. An additional driver tool lives on the backside of the tool, held in place by strong magnets, which acts as a spoke and valve core tool. There’s room for a master link, and they included a rasp tool to aid in clearing clogged valve stems. When purchased as part of the complete 8-Bit Kit One, the bits and driver head are all anodized black, which is the only difference compared to purchasing the 8-Bit Pack Pliers on their own.

Functions & Features

  • Hex Keys: 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8mm
  • Drivers: flat head #3.5 and Phillips #2
  • Torx: T10 and T25
  • Spoke Wrench
  • Valve Core Wrench
  • Rasp
  • Master Link Pliers
  • Valve Stem Nut Pliers
  • Master Link Storage
  • Wolf Tooth 8-bit system review
  • Wolf Tooth 8-bit system review
  • Material: 7075-T6 aluminum / CrV tool steel swivel head / S2 tool steel bits
  • Weight (as tested): 71 grams
  • Dimensions: 146mm x 20mm x 9mm
  • Place of Manufacture: USA
  • Price: $69.95 USD
  • Manufacturer’s Details:

Rad & Tagg Leatherworks Sheath (not included)

My biggest complaint is that Wolf Tooth doesn’t include a storage bag or sheath with such a high-quality tool kit. Not only would a storage bag protect the tool’s beautiful finish, it also would ensure they remain closed while rambling down rough trails, eliminating the chance of losing any of the bits or small parts. To address this, I reached out to my friend Lindsey Gosnell of Rad & Tagg Leatherworks (@radandtaggleatherworks) here in Powell River. After some brief deliberation, I left the tool in Lindsey’s capable hands to create a protective leather sheath, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the result. At just 23 grams, it adds no noticeable weight to the 8-Bit Kit One but will surely age and distress instead of the tools’ machined aluminum. I might still wrap the tools in a thin rag to help keep dirt and other grime out of the sheath, but overall I’m very happy with the result.

Wolf Tooth 8-bit system review

8-Bit Kit One Specs

  • Weight (as tested): 173 grams (including master link + valve core)
  • Dimensions: 146mm x 20mm x 28mm
  • Place of Manufacture: USA
  • Price: $139.95 USD
  • Manufacturer’s Details:

Wrap Up

The Wolf Tooth 8-Bit System is impressive from both a design and manufacturing perspective. While the complete 8-Bit Kit One might seem expensive on its own, it’s difficult to compare against smaller, less functional multi-tools, chain breakers, and tire pluggers. The handle of each tool provides a sturdy grip and better leverage for real repairs, whether you’re on the trail or at home, and the sheer number of functions and features they’ve packed into them is downright impressive. Although, for the price, I think it should come with some sort of sheath to protect its beautifully machined exterior. I’m not one to baby multi-tools, but it’s just too nice to toss into my frame bag. The tool itself is fantastic, but my suggestion would be to find a local leatherworker and have them whip up a little sheath for you.

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