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Wingsuit Flyers Cruise Over Mont Blanc in ‘The Longest Line’


The Soul Flyers — a French aerial sports team — make all the right moves in this jaw-dropping wingsuit video.

Prepare your palms for sweat. It’s the only correct physical reaction to wingsuit videos, and this one from Soul Flyers is a doozy.

In the vid, three members of the French aerial sports collective jump out of a helicopter above Mont Blanc and promptly travel over 2,000 vertical feet and 4.5 horizontal miles in about three and a half minutes.

The trio soars gracefully over glaciers and snow-covered cliffs before pulling the ‘chute in the valley below the mountain. It’s a quick watch, and perfect for a little shot of adrenaline if you are feeling groggy.

Runtime: 4 minutes

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Andrew Marshall

Andrew Marshall is a writer, painter, and photographer with work in publications across the web. Andrew lives, runs, bikes, paddles, and skis in the Tahoe basin on the California/Nevada state line. He’s one of the few unapologetic cat people in the outdoor industry. You can find him on Instagram (@andrewmarshallimages) or Twitter (@pawn_andrew).

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