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Whoever you’re for — or towards — please vote!


The future of our planet and city depend on your vote.
(Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

Now is not the time to detach from democracy. In fact, it’s time to engage.

I know there’s a lot of news that feels overwhelming in its heaviness and heartache right now — on a local, regional, statewide, national, and global scale. But if we don’t vote, we lose touch completely and we let other people — often those with more power and money and privilege — decide the direction of our city, region, state, country, and world.

If you haven’t already, please crack that voter’s guide that’s on your kitchen table and take the time to vote. There are a lot of voting guides out there from other news sources (Google is your friend), so there’s really no excuse to not have a basic sense of who the candidates are and what positions are open.

Remember: Election day is tomorrow, Tuesday May 17th.

Ballots must be received at any county elections office in Oregon or Official Ballot Drop Site location by 8 p.m. or mailed and postmarked by Tuesday, May 17th to be counted. The map below shows official ballot drop sites in Multnomah County and you can learn more at the official elections website.

Thanks for voting! You are democracy.