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What Makes Moana Jones Wong the World’s Finest Pipe Surfer? Watch and Be taught


Moana Jones Wong has what looks like a preternatural feel for a barrel.

Watching Jones Wong drop into a 6-foot overhead wave and come out the other side leaves the distinct impression that it’s not hard to do. But dedication to craft can go a long way.

In a January interview, the 22-year-old Hawaiian attributed her 2022 Da Hui Backdoor Shootout win to commitment to her home waves.

“Every season I get a little bit more comfortable, a little more gutsy, just because I’ve spent so many hours studying the wave, watching people, and getting more and more confident out there,” Jones Wong told Surfline.

That article crowned her the “New Queen of the Pipeline.” And on Finals Day of the WSL Championship Tour, she delivered on her new title.

Her highlight reel from the day shows us how. Watch Jones Wong, Carissa Moore, Tyler Wright, and others rip it up!

Runtime: 1 minute

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Kelly Slater Wins Record 8th Pipeline Title; May Push for World Record

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Sam Anderson

Sam has roamed the American continent to follow adventures, explore natural wonders, and find good stories. After going to college to be a writer, he got distracted (or saved) by rock climbing and spent most of the next decade on the road, supporting himself with trade work. He’s had addresses in the Adirondack Mountains, Las Vegas, and somehow Kansas, but his heart belongs in the Texas hill country.

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