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What I Realized Chasing le Tour in a Low cost Rental Automotive


In 2003 I went to cover my first Tour de France as part of the press. PEZ had almost no readers and even less money, so I rented the cheapest car I could find. I drove it for 2 weeks and 2500km across France from Lyon east to the Alps, across the south and into the Pyrenees via Andorra, dodging and weaving as far west as Lourdes, and then all the way back to Lyon. It was one of the hottest summers on record in France – when the mercury tickled 40C degrees every day for weeks.

Click the video to watch, and see more at the PEZ Youtube channel here.

The car was tiny and had no a/c, but I managed to capture some of it on video. Here’s a great little snapshot of Pez before we became PEZ. Let’s set the Way Back machine for Lyon, France, July 2003.

Oh – and you get to see a much younger version of me – ha!

• Read our Coolest Tour Stages of All Time here

• Read our original Tour de France 2003 Roadside Reports here

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