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Welcome to Bikerumor’s Subsequent Chapter: a Letter from the Editor in Chief


Welcome readers,

It’s been more than a decade since I was first dreaming of writing for Bikerumor from the back room of a bike shop. Back then, the idea of just writing for this incredible site seemed far-fetched. A pipe dream, really. 

Yet here I am today announcing that I am honored to accept the position of Bikerumor’s new Editor in Chief. I am extremely excited about the opportunity, but it’s not a responsibility that I take lightly. Tyler started this site on little more than ideas and ambition, and thanks to the addition of many talented people along the way, we’ve seen Bikerumor grow from just another bike blog to one of the world’s leading sources for bicycle tech, news, and reviews. 

And this is just the beginning. 

Starting today, Tyler is stepping back to pursue other projects (just ask him about Bike Club), but he’ll still be around in his new role as Founding Editor. I will always be thankful to Tyler for taking a chance on a random kid from Ohio with no prior media experience. Without that, I wouldn’t be here writing this today. 

Bikerumor staff, Tyler Benedict, Cory Benson, Zach Overholt, Jessie-May Morgan

The Bikerumor team at Eurobike, 2019. Tyler, Cory, Zach, and Jessie-May (L to R)

Also still here are the incredible staff writers and editors who have been crucial in shaping this site. That includes our European Tech Editor Cory Benson, UK Tech Editor Jessie-May Morgan, BC Correspondent Steve Fisher, and our Road, XC & CX Race Specialist Jordan Villella. Names that you see a lot on Bikerumor. Each one of them has been instrumental in our growth, and thanks to increased support from the AllGear Group and our new parent company, Lola Digital Media, they’ll have more resources at their disposal to create unique content for the site. 

As for me? I don’t plan on changing the great tech-focused coverage you’ve come to expect from the site. But I do plan on adding to it. I can nerd out with the best of them when it comes to the latest product offering marginal gains, but I’m just as excited about using shop-worn bike tools to get someone’s old klunker out of the garage and out riding again. To me, the bicycle is many things; transportation, a work of art, a technological marvel, a source of exercise, an escape from the trappings of everyday life, and above all, something to celebrate. 

So what can you expect from this website in the future? If you come here during your daily coffee break to keep up on the latest cycling tech, don’t worry – that’s not going anywhere. That’s exactly how my journey started with Bikerumor 13 years ago, and I intend to keep it that way.

In addition to the classic Bikerumor coverage though, expect to see new voices, increased coverage of new categories and products that are actually affordable, and more stories that highlight the amazing humans that are behind our favorite products and rides. In short, introducing a wider lens on the two wheels that bring us all together. 

Thank you to everyone who has been along for the ride so far. And welcome to anyone who’s just joining us. Sit in, exciting things are ahead. 


Zach Overholt

Editor in Chief

Feature image c. Tristan Cardew, from a BCA event in Girona


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