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Weekend Occasion Information: Worst Day experience, tree planting, spring celebrations, and extra


Looking at those smiles maybe they should call it the Best Day on a Bike Ride. (Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

Spring, music, colors and flowers are the forecast for these weekend. The much anticipated Worst Day of the Year Ride is back and Bike Loud N/NE chapter is launching their new ride, which we hope becomes a regular thing.

Lots of things are happening this weekend so we invite you to check out more events and details on our calendar.

Saturday, March 19th

Sorella Forte Women’s Ride – 9:00 am at River City Bicycles (SE)
Sorella Forte intermediate cycling group is for all female-identifying riders who share a passion for riding a bike. They meet every Saturday for a 30 to 40-mile no-drop road ride. No need to belong go the cycling club to attend. More info here.

Tree Planting: Ride and Plant – Bike Clark County (Vancouver)
Join the Vancouver Bicycle Club and other volunteers from the Watershed Alliance plant some trees at the Arnold Park in Vancouver. They’ll bike back afterwards for much needed Tree-Hugger Brownies at BCC. More info here.

Bike Riders Appreciation Day – Colonel Summers Park (SE)
Join Timberwolves Bike Club for their monthly club ride. This month will be their annual Bike Rider Appreciation day for all riders everywhere. There’ll be music, food stops and park stops. It will also end at a music venue. More info here.

Sunday, March 20th

Worst Day of the Year Ride – 9:00 am at Lucky Lab Brew Pub (SE)
It is *that* time of the year. Zillions (well, certainly not zillions, but a lot—you understand) of silly-costumed riders parade around the city for what has become a city tradition. Three routes are available for different conveniences and start at different times. Tons of food, drummers, costume contests and an after-party are part of the show, while rumor has it that there is also a 5-story chocolate fountain. Registration is required. More info here. Here’s also our recap of the 2019 edition of the event.

BikeLoud PDX North/NE Chapter: St John’s Ride – 10:45 am at Peninsula Park (N)
For their new and hopefully regular ride, Bike Loud N/NE are teaming up with BikeTown for free ride tickets. The idea for a Sunday mood ride is to depart from Peninsula Park towards St. Johns, with the possibility of a food stop at St. Johns food carts. More info here.

Here Comes the Sun: Beatles Slow Roll – 12:00 pm at Laurelhurst Park (SE)
Slow-paced ride pedaling to the rhythm of the Beatles on the background. Join folks to anticipate the arrival of the spring sun at Laurelhurst this weekend. More info here.

Powder Paint Throwing Spring Equinox Celebration – 12:30 pm at Wilshire Park (NE)
To add more variety to the arrival of spring, there’s also a party bike ride with the aim of making several stops to dance, celebrate and throw powder paint at each other. More info here.

– Stay plugged into all the bike and transportation-related events around the region via our comprehensive event calendar.