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Watch ‘The Final Ski Maker in Scotland’ Revive a Misplaced Craft


‘The Last Ski Maker in Scotland’ follows one man on a mission to keep the handmade ski craft alive.

For all its snowy days, rolling hills, highland summits, and lush forests, Scotland has but one ski-maker. His name is Jamie Kunka, and he’s the lone man behind Lonely Mountain Skis, the last ski company in the land.

When I read the synopsis for “The Last Ski Maker in Scotland,” I imagined the film crew would follow around some sagacious, ruddy-complected elder. You know — a real prototypical Scotsman, a salt-of-the-earth woodworker turned artisan. How very wrong I was.

Kunka is rather young and wasn’t raised into a life of woodworking. In fact, he began teaching himself how to carve up wooden skis only 10 years ago. “I’d always aspired to be a one-man craftsman,” Kunka said.

This brief film follows Kunka as he handmakes each pair of freeride skis, fusing traditional techniques with sustainable wisdom.

Give it a watch, and then head to to learn more about the Scottish microski-maker and peruse its catalog.

Runtime: 6.5 minutes

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Jilli Cluff

Jilli grew up in the rural southern Colorado mountains, later moving to Texas for college. After seven years in corporate consulting, she was introduced to sport climbing.
In 2020, Jilli left her corporate position to pursue an outdoor-oriented life. She now works as a contributor, gear tester, and editor for GearJunkie and other outlets within the AllGear network.
She is based out of Austin, Texas, where she takes up residence with her climbing gear and one-eared blue heeler, George Michael.

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