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‘Unforgettable’ Movie Paperwork Distant U.P. Bike Route


A bikepacking expedition in Michigan? Watch as this group traces an iconic route around the remote U.P.

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan (the “U.P.”) is a wild region of rivers, deep forests, dirt roads, and abandoned mining towns. And all of it pinched between two Great Lakes.

“Unforgettable,” a short film shot and edited by Aaron Peterson, documents one group’s bikepacking journey around the U.P. in 2021. The ride started at the tip of the Keweenaw Peninsula and headed counterclockwise for 16 days back to where it began.

Follow the expedition, dubbed “Project Adventrus,” with riders Todd Poquette, Marc Salm, Kelsy Kellermann, and Liz Belt as they pedal 1,650 miles literally around the entire U.P.

Runtime: 42 minutes

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Bikepacking Gear: 10 Essentials for an Epic Ride
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Stephen Regenold

Stephen Regenold is Founder of GearJunkie, which he launched as a nationally-syndicated newspaper column in 2002. As a journalist and writer, Regenold has covered the outdoors industry for two decades, including as a correspondent for the New York Times. A father of five, Regenold and his wife live in Minneapolis.

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