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‘Tree to Board’: Watch Surfer Construct a Twin Fin From Maine Cedar


Wood shavings never looked so beautiful: Watch this surfer make a board from one of Maine’s ‘magnificent’ cedar trees.

We’re not sure when exactly YouTube elevated how-to videos into an art form, but this chill-as-hell mini-doc from Torsten Brinkema surely qualifies.

Simple and relaxing, this short make-your-own-surfboard video ended up as an official selection in the Maine Outdoor Film Festival. With minimal narration, artistic photography, and vibing music, it’s easy to see why.

“The connection between trees and waves is something I’ve been fascinated by my whole life. With each mission to Maine’s rocky forested coasts, I thought about the possibilities of a wooden board shaped from one of these magnificent cedar trees,” Brinkema says.

In case you’re wondering, the answer is yes, you will want this board by the end of the video.

Runtime: 16 minutes

Add This ‘Smartfin’ to Your Surfboard to Collect Data, Protect Oceans
Get the ‘raddest ride’ and help gather critical ocean data just by replacing your board’s fin? Enter Smartfin. Read more…
Andrew McLemore

An award-winning journalist and photographer, Andrew McLemore brings more than 14 years of experience to his position as Associate News Editor for Lola Digital Media. Andrew is a musician, climber and traveler who currently lives in Cuenca, Ecuador, which he uses as a home base for adventures throughout the Americas. When he’s not writing, playing gigs or exploring the outdoors, he’s hanging out with his dog Campana.

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