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‘Tour de Gnar’ Assessments How A lot Shred You Can Trip In One Day


Watch pro mountain bikers Yoann Barelli, Steve Vanderhoek, Ryan Rodriguez, and friends take on all the features along the Sea to Sky highway in British Columbia in a single day.

What can you accomplish in one day? More than you think if you put your mind to it. And have the necessary skills to do whatever it is that you intend to do.

Much like this crew of mountain bikers, including; Yoann Barelli, Steve Vanderhoek, and Ryan Rodriguez, who made it their mission to send all the gnarliest and most iconic features of the Sea to Sky highway in Pendleton, British Columbia, in one day.

The Tour de Gnar, a single-day send-fest, started in 2021 with the concept of dropping into one section and then moving on to the next.

“The physical and mental fatigue was something we never experienced before. The end became a pure battle,” admitted Yoann Barelli, one of the riders who spearheaded the mission.

“This year, the Tour de Gnar returns, and we want more with more gnarly features and more riders. So this celebration of Freeride in the Sea to Sky will be totally wild. The [event] date will be shared soon, and I cannot wait to share who will take part in it, some big names from the Freeride scene, females and males,” he continued.

Get into this short teaser for a sneak peek of the riding and wild group dynamics. The second Tour de Gnar will kick off in August 2022.

Runtime: 25:42

Tour De Gnar
‘Tour de Gnar’ Tests How Much Shred You Can Ride In One Day
Get a sneak peek of what to expect for the Tour de Gnar in this edit from pro mountain bikers Yoann Barelli, Steve Vanderhoek, Ryan Rodriguez. Read more…
Heather Hendricks

Heather Hendricks is the TK of GearJunkie.
Heather Hendricks has been writing about snowboarding, women’s gear, travel, and mountain towns for over 15 years. Prior to that, Heather spent time at/worked at TransWorld SNOWboarding as Contirubtuing Editor and Special Projects Manager, Gear and Travel Editor at Teton Gravity Research, and online editor of Snowboard Mag.
Based in Colorado Hendricks likes to live by the seat of her pants, and is always up for a road trip or spontaneous adventure. She’s currently learning to fly fish, how-to-be a new dog mom, and is van-living and loving it! @heatherhendrickshh.

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