I’m pleased to announce that Terry Barentsen and I have collaborated on another video, this one commissioned for the TD Five Boro Bike Tour!
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The ride takes place on May 1st, registration is now open, and I can pretty much guarantee that the weather won’t be like this:

As for the title of the video, it alludes to the fact that, while the Tour organizers asked us to make it, they couldn’t officially release it under their imprimatur due to my helmetless riding:

This is ironic for two (2) reasons. Firstly, Terry had the idea to actually ride on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway for the video, something he’s done in the past. Needless to say, as a total “woosie” I chickened out, though I made the seemingly feeble excuse that they probably wouldn’t want something so edgy in their video. As it turns out, not only was I right, but even my helmetless Platypus pushing was too much, which never even occurred to me. So go figure.
Secondly, it’s ironic that they were uncomfortable with that imagery, but not this grotesque display, which is vastly more objectionable:

Not only is that the Colnago Bititan I had the pleasure of borrowing recently, but I’m also wearing a pair of genuine 2009 Singlespeed World Championship socks–and yes, I was actually there:

This was my first time ever wearing them, and who knew it would be thirteen years before I needed a pair of knee-high socks with World Champion stripes on them?
Consider it my tribute to Lawrence Orbach.
Anyway, I’m still grateful to have gotten to make the video, so please don’t read any of the above as kvetching or anything like that. In fact, I may even be out there on May 1st with my son who wants to do the ride himself, so if you’re there too look out for us–and I cant’ imagine you won’t be after seeing that sales pitch!
So register now, because it does fill up quick.