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The Monday Roundup: Copenhagen’s Robert Moses, lease free wrenching, UPS quad-bike, and extra


Welcome to the week.

Here are the most notable items our writers and readers came across in the past seven days.

This week’s Monday Roundup is brought to you by Nossa Familia Coffee.

Copenhagen’s Robert Moses: Mikael Colville-Andersen shares a fascinating history of the highway megaprojects that once threatened to destroy the world’s most bicycle-friendly city.

What is this thing?: UPS is testing a strange new cargo vehicle that is used in bike lanes, has four wheels and is powered by a mix of electricity and human power.

Transgender decision: British Cycling has ruled that Emily Bridges, who began her cycling career as Zach Bridges, cannot compete in a national championship event due to their interpretation of regulations that allow discretion to, “guarantee fair and meaningful competition that displays and rewards the fundamental values and meaning of the sport”.

A must-listen: Don’t miss this excellent War on Cars podcast episode that brings in expert voices to analyze Ray Bradbury’s dystopian short story “The Pedestrian.”

The sky is falling: Drivers in this San Diego suburb are freaking out because the city striped an “advisory bike lane” that makes them drive carefully and with consideration for others. (Note: PBOT has long contemplated this type of design but so far has only used it in very low-traffic situations.)

Tactical urbanism in LA: “The city doesn’t keep us safe, so we keep us safe,” says a new group that earned national attention for painting crosswalks in Los Angeles intersections.

Rent-free wrench: Leadville, Colorado needs bike mechanics so badly that one shop has offered free rent to entice one.

Bike-based books: Don’t miss this wonderful story about Portland’s Street Books, a library on wheels that rolls its services out to homeless people.

E-bike curious?: Tern’s new Quick Haul looks like the e-bike company will have another big hit to follow up its popular HSD model.

Wrong-headed: In a move that reeks of paternalism and misdirected, car-centric thinking, southern California city of Carlsbad has decided to introduce more stringent regulations and even fines on electric bike and other small EV users due to a concern over a rise in crashes.

Selfish parking policy: A city commissioner in the coastal metropolis of Miami, Florida, who was frustrated by people parking in front of his home said, “This is not a pedestrian and bicycle city,” before voting in support of zoning laws that will lead to more car parking spaces.

Tweet of the Week: Noted local bike advocate Clint Culpepper shared a video of the “protected” bike lane on NW Broadway.


Thanks to everyone who sent us links this week!