There’s nowhere better to be than on a bike riding, whether it is in doors on an exercise set up, or on the road killing those hills and feeling the freedom of the downhill. However, it has become increasingly common on the biking and riding forums out there for discussions and questions on what to do when recovering or unable to get on the bike? This article aims to provide some guidance in this regard and condenses some of the popular ideas and go to pastimes for cyclists out there.
Online, virtual cycling/racing
There are numerous games that you can now play online and with the right VR goggles where you can indeed ride, just not on your own bike. Go on a virtual cycling tour of the next race you intend to do or check out your training routes on a virtual map or even just simply on google maps. There are some great cycling software packages with some of the greatest routes in the world and some that you don’t have to ride, just go along with others who have already done the routes. One of the best ways to spend your time off the bike is to watch your old rides; we generally all use helmet cams and thus will have recordings saved that can be watched and enjoyed after the ride.
The online casino
The online casino is a wonderful place to just relax and forget about the bike and your return to cycling as much as you can. It is a trending hobby and one that is now available in so many places and ways that ever before. Find a suitable place to play, as there are an enormous number of options in this sector at the moment. Use a review site like best Australia online casinos where you can read and investigate the various offerings in your area.
Read riding
Cycling and road riding has a fantastically interesting history that has been well documented. There are so many biographies on the great riders and cyclists out there. It makes for a great pastime and a way to increase your knowledge of your sport, but also to provide interesting ideas for rides and races that you may not have thought of at all. Then there is the more modern reading on upcoming events and rides that you may want to do online.
Start a blog
Start sharing some of your cycling lifestyle, ideas and tips. It’s a known means of keeping involved in the cycling community without having to get on the bike. It won’t cost you anything and may very well be a way of attracting sponsors and advertisers if you write well enough or have had some decent real-life experiences riding on the road.
Road riding and in fact cycling of any form is one of the best individual and team/group exercise pursuits that there is. The ideas detailed in this article will help to keep you motivated and interested while you rest and take some time from the bike.