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Tenting, Climbing, Cayoneering: Adventures in Kokopelli


One group of friends adventured to Arizona to tackle Kokopelli, a technical canyoneering route. Here’s what they found.

“If you want to go canyoneering, don’t take me. I don’t help. I’m always filming and generally trying to stay alive.” This is avid hiker Jerry Arizona‘s preface to his latest canyoneering feat.

On this route outside of Sedona, five friends encountered ancient ruins, petroglyphs, even dinosaur tracks. There’s lots of scrambling, a couple fun rappels, and pretty epic views.

Either go with experienced climbers or go with guides, Jerry adds — just adventure at your own risk.

Runtime: 10 minutes

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Mary Murphy

Mary is based out of GearJunkie’s Denver, Colo. office. She has a degree in English and journalism, and has a background in both newspaper and magazine writing. Her outdoor interests span from running to sport climbing, from landscape photography to skiing to pack-paddleboarding. If she’s not writing, you can most likely find her at the top of a fourteener, or in a local bakery.

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