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‘Success Untold’: Looking Org Talks Conservation in Africa


Trophy hunting in Africa is a topic of constant controversy. A short doc dives into the conservation-minded side of it.

Blood Origins has released a documentary that gives us a look at the conservation efforts happening in Africa. Setting emotions aside, the statistics give us an objective view of conservation at work.

If you want to stir up contention in a room full of hunters, state your stance on trophy hunting. It tends to be a heated topic in almost any group of even like-minded people. Hunting in Africa is likely at the center of the controversy. Like nearly all topics in the hunting world, there are a few sides to that story.

There’s conservation work happening on a massive scale behind the scenes of it all. Robbie Kroger with Blood Origins takes us through a conservationist view of the hunting benefits to the African continent, the wildlife, and the people who call it home. Regardless of your stance, it’s worth the watch.

If you’d like to learn more about the work Blood Origins is doing for conservation across the globe, you can connect with them online at You can also subscribe and watch more of the organization’s documentaries on the Blood Origins YouTube channel.

Runtime: 9 minutes

blood origins
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