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Subsequent-Degree Bikepacking: Handcycling Alaska to Mexico With ‘VID Expedition’


Follow along as Michiel Desmet makes a Guinness World Record attempt by riding his handcycle more than 4,000 miles.

In 2013, a spinal injury paralyzed Michiel Desmet, leaving him without the use of his legs.

Now he’s bikepacking on a handcycle from Alaska to Mexico to test his limits, set a record, and bring attention to adaptive athletes. The video series he’s creating with partner Chiara Maffina chronicles the journey in an intimate and unflinching fashion.

Good and bad, highs and lows — the duo captures it all. Check out the latest video, and make sure to catch up on the rest of the series here.

Runtime: 15 minutes

old man mountain shredpacking
‘Shredpacking’ Blurs the Line Between Dirt Jumping and Bikepacking
These guys took fully loaded bikepacking rigs over jumps, drops, and gnarly terrain just for the fun of it. Read more…
Andrew Marshall

Andrew Marshall is a writer, painter, and photographer with work in publications across the web. Andrew lives, runs, bikes, paddles, and skis in the Tahoe basin on the California/Nevada state line. He’s one of the few unapologetic cat people in the outdoor industry. You can find him on Instagram (@andrewmarshallimages) or Twitter (@pawn_andrew).

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