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SRAM Digs into the Science of Stopping with enjoyable Open Workings video sequence


“The Science of Stopping” starts a little slow but picks up speed as it goes along. (If that sentence didn’t make sense to you, you’re not alone.)

First and foremost, SRAM designs the explainer video to help riders decide what brakes they need. If you’re confused or unsure about which hydraulics disc brakes to throw on your bike, the clip is here to help.

Anyone from novice level to riders who have a strong understanding of hydraulic brake mechanics could benefit as SRAM takes it one step at a time.

Skip to 2 minutes in to get to the juicy part — or watch from the beginning to watch amusing clips like a kid crashing a balance bike. No matter what, jovial moments help keep the tone light; stay tuned to watch Yoann Barelli explain heat seals while taking a bath.

And if you like what you see, there’s more to come. “The Science of Stopping” is episode one in SRAM’s new “Open Workings” series, which you can track on YouTube.

Runtime: 13:37.


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