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‘Sound of Velocity’ Turns MTB Noise Into Soundtrack


Extreme sports vids have long relied on rock ‘n’ roll, metal, rap, pop, and just about every other musical genre there is to amplify excitement. But what happens when you let the bike speak for itself?

In Red Bull’s latest video, you won’t hear anything but, well, biking. 

In fact, the musical accompaniments that tend to dominate outdoor sports videos are nowhere to be heard. Instead, you get the “Sound of Speed” as cyclist Brage Vestavik blows through a Norwegian MTB trail, with quality microphones capturing every boomy landing.

“I want to create content that’s timeless,” Vestavik wrote about the video. “Most things today are filmed in one day, shot quickly, and then it’s over. Dead! Due respect to those who do it, but I want people to be able to watch my videos again in 10 years and for the content to still be cool. I don’t want it to be just another piece of content you watch and then forget about.”

Runtime: 3 minutes

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The post ‘Sound of Speed’ Turns MTB Noise Into Soundtrack appeared first on GearJunkie.


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