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Sonoran Rovers Makes use of Beautiful Craftsmanship to Construct a Defender Overland Camper


Keen attention to detail and superior craftsmanship make this one of the most enticing vehicle buildouts we’ve seen. And, impressively, it’s in a classic Land Rover Defender 110.

If you’re feeling unskilled or lacking in craftiness, you might want to skip this edit from Sonoran Rovers. Or, if you’re looking for inspiration, dive in for exquisite craftsmanship at the calming and precise hand of master craftsman Arjuna Steen.

This build shows us the meticulous methods Steen used to transform locally sourced mesquite and Arizona ash into elegantly appointed necessities. The video presents in a calm, vibey way, with superb attention to detail.

In just over 4 months, Steen carefully guided the build with intensive work in his home shop in Canelo, Ariz.

The final product exudes rustic class, capable of serious expeditions, and looks like an oasis of comfort.

Maybe we inhaled too many wood chips over the years, but we’re feeling this.

Runtime: 13 minutes

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Heather Hendricks

Heather Hendricks is the TK of GearJunkie.
Heather Hendricks has been writing about snowboarding, women’s gear, travel, and mountain towns for over 15 years. Prior to that, Heather spent time at/worked at TransWorld SNOWboarding as Contirubtuing Editor and Special Projects Manager, Gear and Travel Editor at Teton Gravity Research, and online editor of Snowboard Mag.
Based in Colorado Hendricks likes to live by the seat of her pants, and is always up for a road trip or spontaneous adventure. She’s currently learning to fly fish, how-to-be a new dog mom, and is van-living and loving it! @heatherhendrickshh.

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