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Rolling to the Grave: Paris Funeral Residence Gives Bicycle Hearse


A Parisian funeral home director believes her hearse-carrying cargo bike will make funerals more quiet and peaceful.

Isabella Plumereau calls her unusual cargo bike the “Corbicyclette.” The word is a portmanteau of the French words for bicycle and hearse. It’s a fitting description because that’s exactly what the Corbicyclette is.

“The Corbicyclette is a proposal … of a new ritual,” says Plumereau in the video, “to be able to make a slow, silent, quiet procession, to the rhythm of the steps of the people who walk and who make the procession.”

Intrigued, or just love cargo bikes in general? Give it a watch.

Runtime: 1 minute

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Andrew Marshall

Andrew Marshall is a writer, painter, and photographer with work in publications across the web. Andrew lives, runs, bikes, paddles, and skis in the Tahoe basin on the California/Nevada state line. He’s one of the few unapologetic cat people in the outdoor industry. You can find him on Instagram (@andrewmarshallimages) or Twitter (@pawn_andrew).

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