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Ready For The Different Shoe – Bike Snob NYC


Well, I’m halfway into my second week of consecutive rides on the Vengeance Bike:

This is less about a lifestyle change and more about my current schedule requiring me to ride early in the morning and a road bike being the most effective way of banging out a few miles. (Also, the Vengeance Bike is the only one I keep inside my actual apartment, and I buy myself additional riding time by not having to go down to the basement.) I don’t keep track of these things, but I think this may be the most time I’ve spent on a single bicycle since my ill-fated New Year’s resolution of 2018:

In that case, I was enjoying the Marin Pine Mountain 1 so much I figured I could commit to it for an entire year simply by swapping wheels depending on whether I wanted to ride “road” our “mountain,” which in turn led to the curation of this monstrosity:

Looking back, a bicycle like this is clearly a cry for help, and like most people riding ungodly bikes that have been twisted into something they’re not, what I was calling out for was a Rivendell. In retrospect, had I had one at the time to commit to, I’d have had a much better chance of seeing the resolution through. Then again, I have two Rivendae now and have been riding a plastic road bike for two weeks anyway, so clearly I’m a lost cause.

Speaking of Rivendell, here’s something:

Please note that nobody at Rivendell asked me to post this, I just noticed it while visiting their site. In fact, I’m pretty sure at this point Rivendell would prefer I stop mentioning them altogether, since by now any association with me is a liability. Still, this is a bike blog, and you can’t stop me from talking about bikes:

This bike is basically a cheaper Platypus without all the lugs and curlicues. which may be of interest to you too have come to appreciate the many virtues of the step-thru performance bike:

While the Vengeance Bike is technically on loan, I’d say that of all my bikes no two complement one another better than it and the Platypus, in that each is everything the other is not.

Finally, the local smuggies are predictably delighted by the New Yorker’s latest bit of whimsy:

This is their most cloyingly urbane bicycle-themed cover since this one, by the same artist:

Helmets on the beach, bicycling in face masks, actually using the little foot restrains on the kiddie seat… Well, they certainly know their readership, I’ll give them that.


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