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Readers’ Rig: Marco’s S.W. Cotten Monitor Bike


Readers’ Rig: It’s not often you see a bike in a shop window, that isn’t a cycle shop, but if you are near the Brooklyn Bridge in New York you have to make a visit to Pasanella & Son, Vintners and have a look at their S.W. Cotten track bike. Marco Pasanella gives us the full run-down on this work of art.


Name: Marco Pasanella.
Location: New York City.
Bike: S.W. Cotten Track Bike. S.W. Cotten was a brand started in 1969 by an acquaintance, Sam Cotten, who imported frames by the English master craftsman, H.B. Hurlow. From the ‘50s through the 70s, Hurlow was known for his fastidious old-school detailing. The custom lugs, fastback stays with Allen bolt and hand-painted name (no decals) were some of his trademarks. The tubes are double-butted Reynolds 531.
Groupset: Campagnolo Nuovo Record Pista, Super Record chain ring, 50t-16
Wheels: Campagnolo Nuovo Record hubs, 36-spoke Champion Medaille D’Or rims, with double-butted Robergel Trois Etoiles spokes, hand-soldered for extra rigidity—a thing at the time. Tires are new. The originals I believe were silk-walled (!) Clement Pista Seta tubulars.
Pedals: Campagnolo Nuovo Record Pista with Christophe toe clips and Binda straps.
Saddle: Selle Italia Flite.
Other: Handlebars and stem are Cinelli; seat post is Campagnolo, but milled for extra lightness—another thing at the time.
Weight: About 18lbs.


When did you buy it?
The bike was given to me in the late ‘70s by my friend Jamie Ellis, former New York State kilometer champion, when he retired.


arundel bike t-wrench banner

What made you choose this bike?
It was beautiful, fast—and free!


Have you done any modifications/additions to it?
I repainted it the original tuquiose color; swapped out the Shimano crankset with the Campy Pista. I also changed the saddle from a huge Unicanitor suede to a smaller but not more comfortable Selle Italia Flite.


How many miles/kilometers do you do a year?
More than I want to count, none on this bike, however, which lives in our wine shop (Pasanella & Son, Vintners) window.


What do you love about this bike?
I love the color, the Old English font and the detailing on the steel frame—even the lugs are outlined with gold pin striping! Most of all, I remained touched by the generosity of this friend who wanted to help teenaged me race track as well as road.



Favorite riding area?
I am lucky enough to spend a fair amount of time in Camaiore (Lucca), a small town in North West Tuscany, where the mountains meet the water. It’s an area that reveres cycling, with lots of fantastic climbs.


Favorite riding experience on your bike?
Trying to hold the wheel of 63-year-old Francesco Moser, another acquaintance, as he barreled up the notoriously bumpy 6th Avenue in New York City. A glimpse of what it must have felt like trying to keep up with Lo Sceriffo on Paris-Roubaix cobbles. That and winning a turkey for Thanksgiving in my first race in Central Park in 1974 as a 12-year-old (there were two entrants in my class. I came in second. My memory is that my sole competitor was an octogenarian).


Future upgrades?
Just replacing the tubulars as they dry out.


Last words:
Save for occasional rides in NYC, I keep it in the window of my wine shop.



You can see Marco’s S.W. Cotten track bike at: Pasanella & Son, Vintners, 115 South St, New York, NY 10038.


Thanks to Marco for sharing his ride with us. Got a bike that you’re proud of? Well, how about sharing it with fellow PEZ fans and getting it featured in Readers’ Rigs so we can all stare at it! Send Readers’ Rigs submission direct to [email protected] and your bike could be featured in all its glory here on the pages of PEZ.

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