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Quicker Than A Dashing Turkey – Bike Snob NYC


Weather conditions were highly favorable for bicycling today:

Once again I rode the Vengeance Bike; partially because I’ve become quite fond of it, and partially because I’ve been “busy” (by my standards, not those of a normal productive member of society), and sometimes you just want to be able to cover more miles in less time. In this sense, road riding is like funneling cycling–though it’s not a bad-looking funnel, you gotta admit:

The shaft of light was completely unintentional, but I like how it turned out:

Lest you think I’m reverting to Lycra-dom, I did at least ride in “jort” mode:

As I mentioned recently, I’ve received some more merino finery from Vulpine, and as a semi-professional bike blogger I’m obliged to write about it or they’ll send someone to repossess those fancy padded underpants:

That’s not to say I mind writing about it–far from it–but you might not feel the same way, especially when it involves also seeing pictures of me.

Well, tough shit.

Anyway, my be-jorted road ensemble included the aforementioned undergarments. I also wore a pair of freshly-jorted Opus jeans:

They were harder to cut than any other jeans I’ve ever jorted, which could be because they’re made out of True Temper tubing or something:

Either that or I need new scissors.

And of course I sported a merino t-shirt, because we all know you should never, ever, ever cycle in cotton:

Just kidding.

Sorry for the depressing lonely guy selfie, but if you want me to hire an actual model it’s gonna cost you. Still, you’re welcome to complain anyway, my self-esteem can handle it:

We spotted that at the beach yesterday and pretty much everyone who passed it took a picture. Sometimes the universe just tees up those ironic images for you, and I’m sure it’s already on like a thousand Instagrams–though mine’s the only one with a pair of tie-dye Crocs visible in the reflection:

He’s still riding that Woom NOW regularly, by the way. We have a few quibbles with some of the accessories, which I’ll address in the future, but overall it’s been a great bike.

As for the jort ensemble, I’m pleased to report that was extremely comfortable and I was not wanting for Lycra at all. Mid-80s on the American Freedom Degrees™ scale and high humidity might have been another story, but as it was (mid-70s and 34% humidity according to a popular weather forecasting website) I had nary a complaint. Also, I chased down a turkey:

And even passed this ebulliently-hued dog:

Maybe this is a better angle:

It’s always good to meet someone else who appreciates fashion.


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