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Podcast #054 – How Pocket Pedals turns race bikes into commuters


Pocket Pedals are a slip-on, hard composite flat pedal surface that turns any road or mountain bike with SPDs into something that’s easy to ride around town with regular shoes.

While it looks simple, there’s a lot more going on with it to be able to work with SPD-SL road and SPD MTB pedals simultaneously. And don’t even get us started on Look’s pedals, but those are coming, too.

In this episode, I interview founder Karl Bjornson about how he came up with the idea, the complexities of manufacturing something that’s both flexible yet necessarily rigid, and how their distribution is coming along. Check out our launch story for more details about Pocket Pedals, or head to Pocket Pedals’ website to order.


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Hit like, hit subscribe, and hit play. Then just get out and ride! Got an idea for a guest? Click here to submit your ideas for who we should interview next!


Keep tabs on all the latest bikes, wheels, components, gear and tech on The World’s Largest Cycling Tech Blog by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Like us? Love us? Follow your host, Tyler Benedict, on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn


10 Barrel Brewing beers lined up in a row

If you’re looking for a tasty post-ride beverage, check out 10 barrel brewing’s awesome assortment of beers and support them for supporting us! They’re only available on the west coast of the US for now, but absolutely worth checking out if you can find it…or one of their breweries!


Find the Bikerumor Podcast on Apple PodcastsStitcher, Podbean, and through RSS, or wherever you listen to podcasts! Hit like, hit subscribe, and hit play! Can’t find it? Let us know which players you use so we can get them up to speed! And let us know who you want us to interview, just use this form to send us your suggestions!


Keep tabs on all the latest bikes, wheels, components, gear and tech on The World’s Largest Cycling Tech Blog by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Like us? Love us? Follow your host, Tyler Benedict, on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn

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