In this episode, I’m chatting with the founders of Bridge Bike Works, an ambitious carbon fiber bike brand starting up in Toronto, Canada.
And when I say ambitious, I mean, they’re literally starting EVERYTHING from scratch. There’s not a single off the shelf aspect of their entire process, and they’re making it all right there at their new factory.
So, what does it take to launch a new bicycle manufacturing plant to also launch your own brand of bike? You’re about to find out, along with an explanation of their racy yet capable all road geometry concept, which takes full advantage of bigger tires without sacrificing a whip fast ride.
I love the entrepreneurial spirit these guys are bringing to the table. I’ve ridden some of the custom bikes that Mike had made for himself over the years, and I’ll say this: He definitely gets it.
So I’m really curious to see how his vision and experience blends with the technical expertise they’ve assembled from in and outside of the bike industry. Sometimes it takes a fresh perspective to introduce new ideas, and my hunch is that’s exactly what they’re doing.
Check out our preview story for a look at their bikes, and Bridge’s website when you’re ready to dive deeper.
If you’re looking for a tasty post-ride beverage, check out 10 barrel brewing’s awesome assortment of beers and support them for supporting us! They’re only available on the west coast of the US for now, but absolutely worth checking out if you can find it…or one of their breweries!
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