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Pedalpalooza Experience Information: June 13 ~ 17


Two weeks into Bike Summer and all I can say is, “wow!” The creativity and collective community stoke level is as high as I’ve ever seen it. So many great rides are happening and folks are turning out in droves to be lead to new places by bike.

The week ahead is filled with more opportunities to join in the fun. To help you plan your bike fun attack, we’ve selected one ride from each day through Friday. As always, check the BP Calendar for more of our ride selections (remember you can filter our calendar to only show the Pedalpalooza category) and dial up the official calendar for the whole enchilada.

Monday, June 13th

Trail Mixed Ride – 6:00 pm at Ladd Circle Park (SE)
Trail Mixed is a collective for empowering women of color to participate in outdoor sports. Expect a 7-9 mile ride at a “chill pace” of about 8 mph with park stops. This ride is exclusively for women, trans women, and non-binary people who feel an affinity with women, and are non-white. More info here.

Tuesday, June 14th

Sunset/Moonrise Ride – 8:00 pm at Grant Park (NE)
This classic from Shawn at Urban Adventure League will take you to a spot where you can watch the sun go down and the moon come up. Stock up on drinks and treats and expect a five-mile ride to the end spot. More info here.

Wednesday, June 15th

Know Your Greenways – 6:15 at Piccolo Park (SE)
Join knowledgeable ride leader Tom Howe and learn how to navigate the 20s greenway in lower southeast. This is one of a series of similar rides Tom is leading and you’ll become more confident and empowered once you are familiar with Portland’s awesome network of bike-friendly streets! More info here.

Thursday, June 16th

Bike Play – 6:30 pm at Capitalism Fountain (NE in Lloyd)
Opening night of a four-night run of Working Theater Collective’s annual Bike Play. Live acting and dancing in a series of settings the audience and actors get to by bike. This is an amazing, must-see event. This year’s story is titled Beyond Velodrome: PDX Drift. More info here.

Friday, June 17th

26-Inch or Die – Fields Park at 6:00 pm (NW)
Who doesn’t love the comfy and cruisey feel of a 26-inch MTB? Join with your kin for a show-out and shred session in some epic industrial spots. More info here.

Have fun out there! And don’t forget to check main ride page for latest updates.

Feel free to use the comments to shout out your ride plans and/or promote your events!


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