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Pearl Izumi Professional bib shorts assessment


Bib shorts can make or break your time on a bike. The right design helps you feel comfortable and confident whether your ride is an hour or two through town or an epic journey across a country. Not only do you need a chamois that keeps your sit bones from bruising but you need a design that helps move moisture away from your body. Then, when it comes to the fabric and patterns everything has to be just right so that it all fits well, looks good, and there are no errant seams to chafe. Given how complex, and important, all of these design decisions can be, we’ve put together a list of the best cycling shorts available. 

Our list has a ton of great options but one company that hasn’t yet made an appearance is Pearl Izumi. For the 2022 model year, Pearl Izumi is making a big play to be one of the best options available for those who want to ride all day. The new Levitate chamois uses a multi-density design that the brand makes some bold claims about. Over the last few months, we’ve spent time putting those claims to the test, so if you’re considering a new bib short, keep reading to see our thoughts on the Pearl Izumi Pro.

Pearl Izumi PRO bib short rear view

The whole design uses a single fabric. (Image credit: Josh Ross)

Design and aesthetics 


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