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Orvis Movie ‘Comply with The Water’ Explains the Plight of the Everglades


Learn how conservationists fight to restore Florida’s Everglades in an Orvis video tracking efforts to address sustainable water use.

Decades of rapid development in Florida have not been great for Everglades National Park. Manmade interruptions to its watershed have dramatically impacted the health of its subtropical wetland ecosystem.

For one, a significant amount of water pours from the Everglades into the massive Lake Okeechobee and stops there. Orvis wanted to showcase the situation in no uncertain terms.

“As a result, the amount of fresh water that reaches Florida Bay is less than half of what it should be,” company president Simon Perkins says. “I’m not an engineer; I’m not a scientist. But when you look at how we tried to artificially create something that was never meant to be, you can understand how it’s not a viable solution.”

The company’s latest YouTube video follows conservationists to understand how to address this problem. They talk with ecosystem experts, who explain what could happen to the Everglades without sustainable stewardship.

Check out the sincere short film, and head over to the Orvis website to learn more.

Runtime: 13.5 minutes

(Photo/Sima Skafar, Shutterstock) Everglades received $1 billion in funding from the Biden Instrastructure Law
US Channels $1B to Revitalize ‘Parched’ Everglades
The iconic ecosystem, which occupies 2 million acres across central and southern Florida, is home to 40 endangered species.  Read more…
Andrew McLemore

Andrew McLemore is the Associate News Editor of Lola Digital Media.
Andrew has more than 10 years of experience covering a range of beats including government, education and business, with specializations in criminal justice and investigative journalism. He has worked for newspapers across Texas, including The Austin American-Statesman, The Dallas Morning News and The Fort Worth Weekly. He also spent several years in PR, working for nonprofit organizations including the Texas Access to Justice Commission and Texas RioGrande Legal Aid.
Now based in Ecuador, Andrew brings his writing experience to outdoor gear and adventures throughout the Americas. When he’s not writing, playing gigs or exploring the outdoors, he’s hanging out with his dog Campana.

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