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‘On Damaged Nation’ Examines Nature of Landlocked Public Land


OnX Hunt’s latest film delves into public land, private land, and the conflict that arises when modern life catches up with habitat.

Currently, 15.87 million acres of landlocked public land is inaccessible to the public across the American West. OnX Hunt and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership have long been involved in telling this story. And they’re working toward figuring out solutions for these parcels of land.

“On Broken Country” is the latest story in this partnership. OnX founder Eric Siegfried and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership’s Joel Webster travel across the West talking to historians, longtime locals, hunters, and more.

Together, Siegfried and Webster hunt landlocked lands, find out why they exist, and explore their future possibilities.

Runtime: 15 minutes

'Success Untold': Hunting Org Talks Conservation in Africa
‘Success Untold’: Hunting Org Talks Conservation in Africa

Trophy hunting in Africa is a constant topic of controversy. A short doc dives into the conservation-minded side of it. Read more…

Nicole Qualtieri

Based in Montana, Nicole Qualtieri is GearJunkie’s Hunt + Fish Editor. She also serves as a Board Director for Orion the Hunters Insititute, a non-profit promoting fair chase and hunting ethics nationwide.

A DIY hunter, she comes from a non-traditional hunting background and began hunting and fishing in her 30s. She’s been a voice for hunting, fishing, and conservation since 2014, when she got started working on the television show MeatEater. She’s an avid horsewoman, bird dog aficionado, snowboarder, hiker/backpacker, food nerd, and all-around outdoorswoman. Find her online at @nkqualtieri.

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