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Nex-Gen Sports activities rolls out ultra-aero cage-less water bottle


If you’ve swapped out virtually every single part of your bike for the lightest components available, but still dream of finding that great white buffalo of componentry that will take you to the next level, Nex-Gen’s new aero cage-less water bottle is the hydration option you’ve been waiting for.

Cage-less bottles and aero water bottles are nothing new. There’s a wide variety available, but this may be the first combination of both designed to fit on any frame with standard bottle cage mounts.

nex-gen bike water bottle

Nex-Gen’s aero cage-less water bottle mounts to the down or seat tube of any standard bike frame.

By now, Nex-Gen has teased the new bottle for quite some time, but kept details about how it would attach to bikes hush-hush. Ultimately, it landed on a 16-ounce (500 ml) aerodynamic bottle that fixes to most down tubes or seat tubes with an integrated fin.

nex-gen cage-less aero bike water bottle

The full kit includes one bottle, screws, a mount, and a cleaning scrubber.

The fin mounts with bolts,  just like a bottle cage would. But instead of a traditional setup’s larger aerodynamic footprint, the cage-less system leaves only the bottle exposed. The bottle clicks into the fin and Nex-Gen says it won’t come off unexpectedly, even in rough terrain.

Nex-Gen also states that they’re working on an aero-optimized version of the bottle for mounting between aerobars on your tri/TT bike. Look for that in the future.

Features include:

  • FDA-approved toxic-free material.
  • Removable silicone nozzle for quick cleaning.
  • Bracket made from high-density nylon reinforced with glass fiber.
  • International Cycling Union (UCI)-approved.

Nex-Gen's aero cage-less water bottle drag and lift test result chart.

The aero cage-less bottle has been in development for two years. Nex-Gen said the original concept design reduced drag, end even produced lift in some conditions.

Nex-Gen's aero cage-less water bottle aerodynamic test photos.

Aerodynamics, compared to traditional bottles.

The Nex-Gen aero cage-less bottle kit is available in red, black or white for MSRP $45.

As of this writing, the bottles are available on backorder.


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