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Neutrino Mini-Velos and Go Hunters are Again! And extra!


by Igor

Neutrino and Pass Hunter Frames Are Back

The Neutrino Mini Velo Framesets are back! Whether you’re a frequent traveler, apartment dweller, multi-modal commuter, or just enjoy a fun N+1 bike, the Neutrino will fit perfectly into your heart.

And for those who like a speedier ride, the Pass Hunter will be the ticket! It’s a fun and playful platform that lends itself exceptionally well to a variety of builds including randonneuring, all-roading, and yes, even gravelleuring.

We’ve done some fun builds with each of these framesets, so use them (or any other relevant Bike Build Ideas) as a jumping off point for your own!

Back on the Shelves

In addition to the frames, we also got a restock of several parts and accessories you’ve been patiently waiting on. Highlights include:


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