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Naked-Bare Ski Day: Bluebird Backcountry Hosts ‘Boot-Tan Fest’


Free beer, live music, and sanctioned nudity? Bluebird Backcountry’s Boot-Tan Fest has it all.

Most music festivals may not be quite as wild as they used to be, but one Colorado backcountry ski resort looks to be picking up the slack.

Focused on feminism, Bluebird Backcountry’s Boot-Tan Fest promises naked skiing and a solid party itinerary on Tuesday, March 15. Women-led businesses will take over the base area for the day, amid live music, free beer and tacos, and giveaways.

Tickets for the inaugural backcountry-in-the-buff celebration sold out within a week. But the mountain will still be open to fully-clothed skiing throughout the day. Though, it will culminate in a security-protected group ski in birthday suits.

The Details on Skiing Naked

The small resort just east of Steamboat Springs partnered with Wild Barn Coffee to orchestrate the event. It celebrates Women’s History Month, which highlights women’s contributions to society, past and present.

“WILD WOMEN, UNITE!” Wild Barn declared on Instagram to announce the festivities. It added that tickets were limited. Additionally, 20% of proceeds go to BIPOC skiers and riders, in a move that seeks to guarantee a diverse group of festival-goers.

“No, it’s not just because we want to experience the caress of crisp mountain air on our nether regions,” the coffee brand said. “We want to celebrate ALL women — aged, youthful, hairy, hairless, tattooed, wrinkly, curvy, dimpled — and all of the rad things they can do.”

Boot-Tan Fest will fully take over Bluebird Backcountry for the day, with an estimated 300 individuals signing up. Women from any and all backgrounds, as well as “femme-leaning, non-binary folks” were invited to register.

All-inclusive tickets through Eventbrite sold out during the first week of March. Organizers expect 15-plus vendors.

It’s unclear whether dogs will be welcome on the naked ski lap — but unlike the skiers, most will already be wearing the required (lack of a) uniform.

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