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Liv Highlights 13-Yr-Previous Bicycle owner, Paratriathlete, Extra in ‘All In’ Movie


Looking for a glimpse into what life is like for professional athletes? How about professional racing teams? Liv has rounded up some of its cyclists to show us just that.

Women’s cycling brand Liv just introduced the third installment of its global brand campaign “Liv Committed” with the film “All In.” The film highlights a diverse variety of Liv Racing athletes and “speaks to inclusivity and the advancement toward equity in cycling.”

“To us, going all in means welcoming all women to the sport of cycling ― whether riders are new to the sport or at the competitive level,” said Bonnie Tu, Liv founder and Giant Group chairperson.

Cyclist Allysa Seely racing on road in a purple Liv cycling jersey
Cyclist Allysa Seely; (photo/Natalie Starr Photos)

Athletes featured in this exciting short film include:

  • 13-year-old Liv off-road team rider Tayte Proulx-Royds
  • 2-time Paralympic gold medalist and para-triathlete Allysa Seely
  • Liv ambassador and The Black Foxes international cycling collective members Alexa Everson and Shequaya Bailey
  • And more!

“All in means all of us, and I’m proud to be part of this campaign elevating this important conversation,” said cyclist Shequaya Bailey.

The film covers these riders from the big air comp at the 2021 Dark Horse Invitational to a bikepacking route through Utah, to the Paralympics, and more.

Runtime: 1.5 minutes

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Mary Murphy

Mary is based out of GearJunkie’s Denver, Colo. office. She has a degree in English and journalism, and has a background in both newspaper and magazine writing. Her outdoor interests span from running to sport climbing, from landscape photography to skiing to pack-paddleboarding. If she’s not writing, you can most likely find her at the top of a fourteener, or in a local bakery.

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