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Kyle Strait Misses Pink Bull Rampage 2022 After A number of Spinal Fractures


The veteran Rampage rider suffered a competition-ending injury during practice, but is recovering well.

Kyle Strait is the only rider to complete in every Red Bull Rampage since the inaugural 2001 competition. Until this year. Regrettably, Strait fractured his T4, T5, and T6 vertebrae during a practice session while prepping for the Rampage and was unable to compete.

This video chronicles Strait and his team as they build trail and run practice sessions, right up until the nerve-wracking final POV shot leading up to the crash.

The vid is worth a watch just to enjoy Kyle’s cool vibe and sense of humor — not to mention a final title card noting that Kyle’s T6 stabilization surgery went well. Rest up, Kyle. We’re rooting for you.

Runtime: 11 minutes

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Andrew Marshall

Andrew Marshall is a writer, painter, and photographer with work in publications across the web. Andrew lives, runs, bikes, paddles, and skis in the Tahoe basin on the California/Nevada state line. He’s one of the few unapologetic cat people in the outdoor industry. You can find him on Instagram (@andrewmarshallimages) or Twitter (@pawn_andrew).

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