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Klunkers and Extra Again In Inventory


by Adrian

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The day is here. Container Day. Get ready for a fresh restock of a plethora of items – get them while they’re hot! Included are:

This list is not exhaustive, you’ll see a scattering of replenished products across our webstore. Not everything is back in stock quite yet, so if you’re holding out for an item you don’t see in this restock, rest assured there’s more coming. We’re expecting another container at the end of this month, and a big one likely at the end of July. Then several more throughout the remainder of the year. The best way to keep track of items coming into stock is to sign up for email stock notifications on the product pages. 

Thanks for being so patient as we work our way back up to regular stock levels. Like most industries, pandemic-induced manufacturing delays and ridiculously long shipping timelines (this container was delayed two months for example) have consistently pushed back our ETAs. We’re expecting to continue to catch up over the next few months, and should have normal stock levels from then on out. 

Happy riding!



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