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In ‘One Hour;’ Watch Filippo Ganna and Pinarello Assault Biking’s Hour Document


The Hour Record: famous, exacting, brutalizing. Each run at it implicates a dedicated team of specialists, scientists, athletes, and even dreamers. Watch Ganna and Pinarello fight for the crown here.

No matter how you slice it, the ultimate goal of the Hour Record is as simplistic as it gets: Ride a bike as far as you can in one hour.

But if you know anything about cycling, you know how narrow the margins really can get.

Anybody with a bike can get on it and start pedaling after the Hour Record. But anybody who’s serious about setting it has to find the edge against massively resourced teams of professionals who pluck from the industry’s best research and technology.

Follow Pinarello and Filippo Ganna as they chase it down. No spoilers.

Runtime: 9 minutes

hour record chain
$6,000 Bike Chain? Why Muc-Off’s Special Treatment Is Key to the Hour Record
Muc-Off says it saved Dan Bigham 15% of watts lost through the drivetrain on his Hour Record ride. Can it do the same for Filippo Ganna? Read more…
Sam Anderson

Sam has roamed the American continent to follow adventures, explore natural wonders, and find good stories. After going to college to be a writer, he got distracted (or saved) by rock climbing and spent most of the next decade on the road, supporting himself with trade work. He’s had addresses in the Adirondack Mountains, Las Vegas, and somehow Kansas, but his heart belongs in the Texas hill country.

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