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Hubs Spin into the Warehouse, and the State of Stock


by Igor

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We just got a re-stock of our hubs! So if you’ve been waiting patiently for the following, hop onto the website now.

As far as inventory goes, you may have noticed that we have a bunch of stuff out of stock right now. To be frank, it’s a bit slim-pickings right now. We’re working on getting as much product as possible within the shortest time frame. I’ve told our trading partners not to wait to fill a 40′ or 40′ High cube container before shipping products out. If a vendor has product ready to go, hubs in this case, send them off by the best and fastest shipping available. 

In addition to these smaller shipments, we have five containers to arrive between now and winter that will have frames, components, and accessories. Delays have mainly been from shipping and obtaining raw materials. Our factory partners actually have really good capacity and the production lead times are accurate, especially considering the quantities we’ve been ordering this year.

It isn’t just the bike industry that has felt this squeeze. All sorts of industries from fishing rods, aftermarket car parts, boat trailers, exercise equipment, and more, have felt delays that are frustrating to consumers and wholesale businesses alike.

And as such, we absolutely appreciate your patience. Stuff is on the way!

We have some other big news that we’re going to spill soon. Long story short, we have big plans for the future. Lots more projects, more inventory, and better availability. Stay tuned! 


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