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How To Inflate Tubeless Tires — Bike Suggestions and Tips


May it be tube tires or tubeless tires, the performance that users will experience is still going to be great. Many cyclists can’t even tell the performance-based differences between the two types of tires, the only time they see a difference is when one of them gets a flat or becomes unusable somehow. 

That brings us back to the topic at hand- Tubeless tires! They have become very popular since their advent, from installing tubeless tires to using them, they are just a joy and you should definitely try them out. Although like other tires, they can also get a flat sometimes and when that happens you need to inflate them. There could be a problem with the tire pressure or air compressor, there could even be problems that you have not heard of. 

Do You Need Anything Special To Inflate Tubeless Tires?

That is one of the most common questions we get asked about tubeless tires, and the answer to that is both yes and no. Here are some of the few tools that you need to inflate tubeless tires (Not all of them are needed though).

  • Tire Booster
  • Foot Pump (Exclusively For Tubeless Tires)
  • Floor Pump (Regular Floor Pump Also Works)
  • Compressor
Bicycle Tubeless Tire
Bicycle Tubeless Tire

These tools will be very helpful when taking care of tubeless tires. Let’s take the hand pump, for example, the only thing that you need to do is attach the pump to the tire and then start inflating. These tubeless tires are very tight from the start and this allows them to build the recommended amount of pressure. When this happens a seal between the rim and tire is formed.

Advantages of Tubeless Tires

Upon installing tubeless tires, here are some of the benefits that you will be able to enjoy.

No More Flat Tires

Tube tires are known for having a flat every now and then and that is what has reduced their popularity. Believe me, when I say this, flat tires can be a cyclist’s enemy number one. When you install tubeless tires, the chances of getting a flat tire are reduced significantly. 

It is not like a flat tire won’t even occur, when it does it will be healed automatically by the sealant inside it. This scenario also depends on the sealant and the hole. If the hole is too big for the sealant to close then you will be needing a tube to fix the tire again. 

Pinch flats (AKA Snake Bites) are also very common with tube tires, with tubeless tires it is never something to worry about. 

Improved Comfort and Balanced Tire Pressure

Having enough pressure was always a problem to deal with tube tires, this is not the case with tubeless tires. Tubeless tires always have a lower pressure than tube tires, this makes them give a very comfortable and relaxing experience.

There will not be pinch flats to worry about, and a cushioned ride will add to the comfort levels. The enhanced traction and grip will make sure that the user has an amazing ride experience.

Advantages Of Tubeless Tires

Lowered Rolling Resistance 

Tubeless tires, off-road experiences, and lowered rolling resistance are all connected. When you hit a bump on the road, the tires get displaced due to higher rolling resistance. With tubeless tires, even if you get hit, you will never lose your momentum because of lower rolling resistance. High pressures ruin tube tires and that is what the tubeless tires ignore.

Off-road terrains have a lot of rocks and jumps, and the lowered rolling resistance reacts very well to that. Tubeless tires will absorb all the shock there is and that will balance the experience. Users will be able to enjoy and feel their tires on a much more realistic level. 

How To Inflate Tubeless Tires- Explained In Simple Steps 

Inflating tubeless tires is not a very hard job, you just need to have the right tools and the right techniques to follow. Tubeless tires have been around for a while now and their popularity has only increased drastically since then, they are very resistant against flats.

These tires are self-healing but the main advantage is them being strong against pinch flats. Follow these steps to ensure successful tubeless tire inflation.

Clean The Rims First

The first step here is to clean the rims first, the rims that the tire is attached to should be very clean. This makes the contact between the rim and tire strong enough to withstand anything. When this happens, you will notice that there is no air loss, this is great because there is no tube to worry about.

Use a clean and dry rag for this process, some people go for water and soap but we don’t recommend that. In most cases, sealant will already be there, but if there isn’t then you need to add the sealant.

Make Sure That The Valve Is At The Correct Position

Now you need to make sure that the valve is in the correct position. It needs to be at the 3 or 9 o’clock position, only when this happens will there be the perfect build-up. Make sure that you look after the valve core and the valve stem, if they get damaged, you won’t be able to complete the process.

It is time to open and remove the valve now so that the flat tire can be repaired and inflated.

Secure The Flat Tire Properly 

Before we start inflating the flat tire, we need to secure it so the air does not leak. My personal preference here would be to use straps to secure the flat tire. Tighten the tire with whatever material you want, it should be around the length of the tire. Whichever material you use to hold the tire in place will be useful when filling it with air.

Time To Inflate The Tire

Now it is finally the time to inflate the tire, you can use a foot pump or compressor for that. Make sure the tire is tight before you start to inflate it, with enough pressure a seal will be formed within the tire and rim. 

Once the tire is inflated properly, a new seal will be formed on its own. You will also see that because of the air pressure the straps that you used to secure the flat have been overturned, now it will be time to remove them.

You are now done, it is time to put the valve back on and close it.

Tire Pressure Levels To Be Followed

Different bike types have different recommended levels of PSI. Make sure that you follow them when using the bike pump:

Cyclist Checking Wheel Pressure
Cyclist Checking Wheel Pressure

Also, keep in mind that sometimes high pressures completely destroy tires, so keep the air pressure levels balanced. Going road tubeless might also be a good idea.

Read also: How To Check Tire Pressure Without A Gauge

Discussing Tubeless Tires Durability

We often get this question asked- How Log Do Tubeless Tires Last? Tubeless Tires are one of the best kinds of tires because they self- heal but there are still some limitations that have to be taken care of.

A lifespan of a tubeless tire is going to depend on many factors, how you use them and how you take care of them. Tubeless tires self-heal, this is indeed amazing but their sealant needs to be replaced every now and then. The sealants are also of two types.

  • Fiber-Based Sealants- More than 8000 Miles
  • Latex-Based Sealants- 8000 Miles Max

The recommendation here would be to go with the Fiber-based sealants if you will be traveling longer and farther. Although if your tires are damaged, then it is always the best idea to replace them rather than just repairing them. Putting on rim tape also helps a lot in these cases, especially when the tires are damaged. Keep an eye on the spoke holes if you are planning on repairing the tires.

Also Read


Inflating tubeless tires is easy but the process is also filled with technicalities, that is why our guide is here. You need to have the right tools and knowledge to inflate tubeless tires, also be sure to stock up on the sealants. In this guide we covered how tubeless tires can be inflated in rich detail, we also covered how you should be taking care of them. If there are any more questions then be sure to leave a comment below!


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