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GoPro Misadventures: Cutest Backpacking BFFs Ever


Three lifelong friends hike, climb, complain, laugh, and dance in this adorable extended reel from GoPro.

There’s nothing quite like a long weekend romp in nature with the homies. Best buds and backpacking enthusiasts Dylan, Wil, and Haley seem pretty wise to the practice.

Watch the buoyant trio — and one very good doggo — escape to California’s Eastern Sierra for a weekend of Type 2 misadventure, killer sights, and fireside twerking. It just might make your day.

(Unless, of course, you’re already ou tperforming your own version of the action in the video. In that case, just keep doing what you’re doing.)

Runtime: 6 mins

'Raft the Grand Canyon' Music Video Is So Nerdy, It's Hip
‘Raft the Grand Canyon’ Music Video Is So Nerdy, It’s Hip
In what could be described as a millennial version of Weird Al in the wild, a band of jolly river rats sing, dance, and raft the Grand Canyon. Read more…
Jilli Cluff

Jilli grew up in the rural southern Colorado mountains, later moving to Texas for college. After seven years in corporate consulting, she was introduced to sport climbing — and life would never be the same.
She now works as a contributor, gear tester, and editor for GearJunkie and other outlets within the AllGear family.
She is based out of Atlanta, Georgia where she takes up residence with her climbing gear and one-eared blue heeler, George Michael.

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