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goHUNT’s Brady Miller Teaches Rifle Capturing Positions for Hunters


In this quick video, Brady Miller breaks down how to shoot better in the field. And he shares what gear you can use to help.

Shooting in the field is wildly different than, say, shooting from a blind or at the range in more controlled conditions. You’ll deal with everything from brushy habitat to small shooting windows to weird weather conditions that can alter how you’ll set up for each shot.

GoHUNT’s Brady Miller has been through all of it. And in this quick 5-minute video, he runs through how to shoot in the field for different scenarios. This involves using gear you might already have on hand, or buying gear that can help you better your chances of filling a tag. This could include bipods, shooting sticks, or even a tripod.

Check out Miller’s short video above and be sure to practice prior to testing these ideas in real hunting circumstances.

Runtime: 5 min

‘Dogmen’ Celebrates Brotherhood, Tradition of Southern Dog Handlers

This short film from onX Hunt focuses on the beauty of what it means to be a traditional dog handler in the American South. Read more…

Nicole Qualtieri

Based in Montana, Nicole Qualtieri is GearJunkie’s Hunt + Fish Editor. She also serves as a Board Director for Orion the Hunters Insititute, a non-profit promoting fair chase and hunting ethics nationwide.

A DIY hunter, she comes from a non-traditional hunting background and began hunting and fishing in her 30s. She’s been a voice for hunting, fishing, and conservation since 2014, when she got started working on the television show MeatEater. She’s an avid horsewoman, bird dog aficionado, snowboarder, hiker/backpacker, food nerd, and all-around outdoorswoman. Find her online at @nkqualtieri.

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