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Getting Rowdy on the Perrons de Vallorcine: Jones Athlete Sends It in Chamonix


Chamonix is known for being a posh French ski resort — but as Jones ambassador Julien ‘Pica’ Herry shows us, it’s also got some gnarly backcountry options nearby.

You can ski a lot of great piste terrain in Chamonix. The resort’s Mont Blanc boasts 150 km of piste skiing, all of which is above treeline and pristine. Then, there’s an additional 15,000 acres of off-piste skiing that’s accessible from the resort.

And if you’re brave enough to venture even outside of that, you’ll find terrain that’s crazy gnarly. As in, you’d have to be clinically insane to attempt some of it.

Case in point: the Perrons de Vallorcine. In late January 2022, Julien ‘Pica’ Herry, a Jones Snowboards ambassador, scaled the peak and ripped a rowdy line down the mountain’s east-facing bowl.

The chute he chose is almost as narrow as it is steep, but Pica navigates it like a pro — because that’s what he is. He deftly avoids deadly cliffs and threads the needle between rocky outcrops that would otherwise spell certain death.

But with Pica’s precision, and his sharp eye for a clean line of descent, the impossible looks like a breeze.

Runtime: 2.5 minutes

Backcountry Boarder: Interview With Jeremy Jones
Backcountry Boarder: Interview With Jeremy Jones
Snowboard kingpin Jeremy Jones said he’s “bailed on machines,” including snowmobiles and helicopters. He now skins into the wilds on a split-board in search of powder and sick lines. Our writer recently interviewed Mr. Jones about gear, apparel, and his backcountry style. Read more…
Will Brendza

Will Brendza is a writer, journalist, and professional misfit based out of Boulder, Colorado. Will grew up on the Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, reenacting “Survivorman” episodes and studying books like “Hatchet,” “The Monkey Wrench Gang” and “Into the Wild”. He’s written on topics ranging from cannabis to local news, the environment and, of course, outdoor gear and adventure. If he’s not banging stories out on his computer, you’ll probably find Will skiing or mountain biking (depending on the season)—or drinking beer at some remote craft brewery.

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