
Find great deals on outdoor gear. This week, save on coolers, dry bags, one of our favorite jackets, and more.
YETI Roadie 24 Cooler: $200 (20% Off With Code BURGER)
The Roadie 24 is a slimmer, lighter version of the classic YETI cooler. Two inches of Permafrost insulation work to keep your ice from melting and keep your beverages and snacks cool on hot days spent outdoors. Heavy-duty rubber latches secure your items and the carrying strap makes for easy transport.
Score 20% off this cooler or one other full-priced item with code BURGER, and check out the Moosejaw Labor Day Sale starting August 26 for 25% off top brands.
Sea to Summit Big River Dry Bag: $21-49 (25% Off)
Keep your gear safe while you’re on the water with these dry bags. They are made with TPU-coated nylon and have a roll-top closure with a buckle that is designed to be easily replaced in case of damage. Side lash loops allow you to secure the bag to your raft, kayak, SUP, and more.
Available in a range of sizes from 3 L to 65 L.
Kammok Mantis All-In-One Hammock Tent: $200 (20% Off)
Kammok designed this hammock tent to provide comfortable, lightweight protection from the elements whether you’re hiking your favorite trail or just lounging at your go-to campsite.
It includes an integrated insect net so you can sleep under the stars without worrying about pests, and a rainfly to protect you from the elements if skies aren’t so clear.
Patagonia Nano Puff Jacket — Men’s & Women’s: $139-160 (30% Off)
The Nano Puff jacket has earned its place as a crowd favorite over the years. It offers lightweight warmth and weather protection while remaining a stylish mainstay around town.
Many an editor flexes it as an outer layer or midlayer for varying temps, and it stands well on its own for chilly fall days. It packs down into its own pocket for easy transport and has zippered hand pockets to keep your essentials safe.
Rad Power Bikes RadMission Electric Hybrid Bike: $899 ($300 Off)
Rad designed this bike to be lightweight and straightforward. If you like a classic road bike feel that offers a bit of modern assistance, or if you’re an apartment dweller looking for something you can lug up the stairs, this may be an option for you.
It is a single-speed with a 500w motor, designed to take you up to 45 miles or more per charge. It has a 275-pound weight capacity and is built to accommodate a height range from 5’2″ to 6’4″ between the mid- and high-step options.
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