Find great deals on outdoor gear. This week, save on fire pits, Bluetooth speakers, apparel, and more.
Solo Stove Bonfire 2.0: $225 (44% Off)
The midsize firepit from Solo Stove offers an option for the backyard or the campsite. The upgraded design of the 2.0 version includes a removable ash pan to make cleanup easier without sacrificing the airflow that allows the fire to burn nearly smokeless. Check out our full review.
iROCKER VIBE Waterproof Speaker: $60 (33% Off)
iROCKER designed this little speaker to have all the features you might need for a day on the water. It’s waterproof, has 4GB memory to store songs, and can float. The speaker is compatible with phone calls and has caller ID. It’s rechargeable and has up to 5 hours of playtime per charge.
The iROCKER VIBE is a customer favorite with a 5-star rating and over 50 reviews. So if you’re looking for a speaker to take on the water, this is an option.
prAna Becksa 7/8 Legging: $45 (50% Off)
The ribbed fabric, high top, and pockets on these leggings make them an option for everyday wear whether you’re at the yoga studio or running errands. Made with a recycled polyester blend for sustainable comfort and performance, these leggings also have a hidden waistband pocket to stash your keys.
Black Diamond Moji Color Lantern: $18 (28% Off)
Shed some fun light on your campsite with this color lantern. It has multiple color options that you can set to strobe, cycle, or solid color. On the medium setting, you can get up to 50 hours of light before needing to swap out the batteries. It’s also storm-proof, so you don’t have to worry if the weather turns on you.
Mountain Hardwear Shasta 15 Sleeping Bag — Men’s: From $119 (30% Off)
Rated to 17 degrees Fahrenheit, this sleeping bag is an option for three-season camping. The 80% recycled synthetic insulation is designed to remain warm when wet, and the mummy style optimizes trapping body heat. A draft collar and face gasket provide extra protection from chill when temps drop or the wind picks up.
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