Find great deals on outdoor gear. This week, save on fire pits, duffel bags, camp chairs, and more.
Solo Stove Bonfire 2.0: $260 (35% Off)
One of our favorite fire pits just got better. Solo Stove has improved upon its already popular design by adding a removable ash pan that sits under the baseplate and collects fine ash, making cleanup easier. Check out our full review of the improved fire pit.
A carrying case is included with purchase.
GCI Outdoor Freestyle Rocker: $64 (15% Off With Code BTC15)
If you’re on the hunt for a rocking chair that can go anywhere with you, this might be an option. This folding camp chair has spring-loaded shocks so you can rock smoothly whether you’re camping or tailgating. It weighs in at 12 pounds and has a 250-pound capacity.
Helly Hansen Duffel Bag 2 – 50L: $77 (30% Off)
This duffel is made with waterproof fabric and can be carried as a duffel or a backpack. The 50L capacity has room for all of the essentials, plus multiple pockets to keep you organized.
Mountain Hardwear Rook Sleeping Bag 30F Down: $144 (40% Off)
This mummy bag is designed to provide lightweight warmth for late spring/early fall adventures. It has a DWR-coated nylon shell and 650-fill down insulation. The down-filled face gasket allows you to block out the chill, while the two-way zipper provides ventilation.
Carhartt Rain Defender Loose Fit Heavyweight Quarter-Zip Sweatshirt: $30 (50% Off)
Carhartt designed this sweatshirt to take the comfort of your favorite hoodie, and add a little extra protection from the elements. It is made with a cotton and polyester blend and has a DWR coating for weather resistance. The front pocket has a hidden security pocket inside for your valuables.