Find great deals on outdoor gear. This week, save on winter boots, luxury tents, apparel, and more.
Salomon X Ultra Winter CS WP Boot — Men’s: $117 (35% Off)
Prepare for colder weather with this winter boot. The waterproof leather upper and added insulation are designed to provide warmth and comfort in wet and slushy conditions. The outsole is made to take on ice and snow, and the midsole is designed to increase motion control and rebound.
Camp Chef Redwood Gas Fire Pit With Lid and Heat-Dispersing Lava Rocks: $110 (50% Off)
This firepit has an 18-inch diameter, making it an option for the back patio or the campsite. It runs on propane and comes with lava rocks to help effectively disperse heat.
Women’s Columbia Trek French Terry Half Zip Sweatshirt: $20 (67% Off)
Columbia achieves UPF 50 sun protection with this pullover. The classic half-zip style makes this an option for everyday wear when the fall chill sets in. The large kangaroo pocket keeps your hands warm and holds your essentials. It’s available in six different color options.
Rumpl Down Puffy Blanket — Pyro Tri-Fade: $186 (25% Off)
Experience the warmth of 600-fill-power-down with this single-person blanket. Rumpl designed these blankets for durability, with DWR-coated ripstop nylon. The cape clip allows you to wrap the blanket around you while keeping your hands free, and the corner loops offer the option to stake the blanket down in windy conditions.
White Duck Outdoors 16′ Regatta Bell Tent: $900 ($100 Off With Code TENTS100)
Take your glamping trips to the next level with this tent. It is made with a water-repellent, mold- and UV-resistant canvas. Galvanized steel poles add durability. The silicone-coated stove jack and electrical cable outlet allow you to bring in your favorite creature comforts for a luxury camping experience.