Find great deals on outdoor gear. This week, save on paddleboards, drinkware, sweaters, and more.
iROCKER CRUISER ULTRA Inflatable Paddleboard: $450 (50% Off)
iROCKER designed this board to be suitable for beginners who prefer a little extra assistance in the stability department. It has a wide base and broad tail, providing room for more gear or an extra rider. If you’re looking to hit a yoga flow out on the water, this may be the board for you.
RTIC Tumbler 30oz.: $13 (20% Off)
The 30-ounce tumbler is the mid size in this line. It’s made with double-wall insulated stainless steel that the brand claims can hold ice for up to 24 hours and should work well for hot beverages also. The splash-proof lid is designed to lock in place to trap the heat or cold inside, while the outer coating claims to prevent wetness and condensation.
Wellen Recycled Cotton Headlands Sweater: $90 (30% Off)
This waffle-knit sweater is made with recycled cotton, acrylic, and polyester for soft and durable warmth. If you’re looking to add an everyday-wear option that can be dressed up or down for everyday wear through the chilly seasons, check out this sweater. It’s available in multiple colors.
KEEN Targhee III Waterproof Mid Hiking Boots — Men’s & Women’s: $131 (25% Off)
This hiking boot earned an honorable mention on our list of the best hiking boots of 2022 because they’re comfortable straight out of the package, reasonably lightweight, and perform well on varying terrain. These may be a good option for newer hikers looking for a solid pair of boots that won’t break the bank.
Mountain Hardwear Grotto 35+ Pack: $98 (45% Off)
With a maximum gear capacity of 45 L and a waterproof finish, Mountain Hardwear designed this bag to stand up to just about any adventure. The padded base and standup design make it easy to load your gear, and the 15-inch laptop sleeve allows you to take your tech on the trail or on your daily commute.