Find great deals on outdoor gear. This week, save on kayaks, apparel, camp stoves, and more.
Hobie Mirage Outback: $3,149-3,299 ($300 Off)
Hobie is a top kayak brand, and it doesn’t run sales often. For a limited time, you can save on several models, including the bestselling Mirage Outback. It’s designed to be versatile enough to take you from the open ocean to your favorite freshwater spot. The hull is designed to reduce noise and allow you to cut through the water quickly.
Stio Men’s CFS Board Short — 19-in.: $45 (50% Off)
Stio designed these board shorts to withstand whatever your go-to watersport is. They are made with a poly-spandex blend that is DWR-coated for extra durability. UPF 50+ protection protects you from harsh sun rays while you swim, SUP, climb, or jump.
Carhartt Women’s Force Fitted Midweight Utility Legging: $30 (50% Off)
These leggings are designed to combine flex and durability for solid performance no matter what the day’s chores demand of you. They are made with a nylon and spandex knit that helps you dry fast and fight odor. Abrasion-resistant pockets keep essentials safe while reinforced knee panels increase durability.
GSI Outdoors Selkirk 540 2-Burner Camp Stove: $98 (30% Off)
If you’re looking for a way to make your favorite dinner while you’re at the campsite, this camp stove may be an option for you. It runs on propane, has a push-button ignition, and has temperature control knobs to allow you to do everything from simmer to boil. The windscreens protect from the elements but are moveable to accommodate larger cookware.
Igloo Packable Puffer Cooler — Medium: $35 (30% Off)
Keep drinks and snacks cold while you’re out and about with this soft cooler. It is made from ripstop polyester and has PrimaLoft Gold insulation designed to retain ice for up to 12 hours. The soft sides and zippered-tote style make it easy to carry and store in smaller spaces.