Find great deals on outdoor gear. This week, save on Garmin watches, apparel, e-bikes, and more.
Garmin fēnix 6 — Pro Solar Edition: $600 ($200 Off)
Garmin designed this watch to take you farther between charges. Its solar charging capability boosts the watch’s battery life up to 16 days. It has been tested up to military standards for thermal, water, and shock resistance. Typical smartwatch features like heart-rate monitoring and sleep monitoring are accompanied by GPS, various features for different sports, and more.
Carhartt Relaxed Fit Fleece Full Zip Vest: $35 (50% Off)
Believe it or not, fall is around the corner. This fleece vest can help take the edge off chilly mornings and evenings. It can also be a good layer for the colder months. It has an adjustable drawcord hem to protect from wind gusts and zippered hand pockets to secure your items.
REI Co-op Passage 1 Tent with Footprint: $97 (30% Off)
Take on your solo backpacking trips with this three-season tent. It utilizes an X-pole configuration, has a stake-out vestibule, a roll-up rainfly, and internal pockets and gear loops for your essentials. The packed weight comes in at 4 pounds 10 ounces, with a minimum trail weight of 3 pounds 11 ounces.
Sea to Summit Comfort Plus Self-Inflating Sleeping Pad — Women’s: From $111 (25% Off)
This sleeping pad was designed to provide extra comfort and warmth to the hips and feet. It’s made with 3-inch-thick foam and has an R-value of 5.1, so you can take it on cold-weather adventures.
RadExpand 5 Electric Folding Bike: $1,399 ($200 Off)
Rad designed this bike not only to save space but also to create a comfortable and customizable ride. It has a step-through frame, adjustable handlebars, seven speeds, and four pedal-assist levels. Go up to 45-plus miles on one charge. Its fat tires are designed to take on different types of terrain. If you’re limited on space but still want a bike that will take you farther, this is an option for you.