Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Stoic Dirtbag Side Table: $25 (50% Off)
A little extra table space can make a big difference at the campsite. Whether you need to expand your dinner prep area or want something to put next to your chair for your drinks and snacks, this side table is an option. It’s made with lightweight aluminum for easy cleanup and transport.
ALPS Mountaineering Targhee Tent 2-Person 3-Season: $66 (45% Off)
The brand designed this tent for your car camping trips. It has two doors for easier entry and exit as well as two zippered windows for airflow. The gear loft and mesh inner pockets provide storage for your gear.
Outdoor Research PackOut Ultralight 5L Stuff Sack: From $10 (Up to 50% Off)
Organization is essential for a successful adventure of any kind. Stuff sacks allow you to organize your gear and cut down on clutter and time spent searching for the gear you need. These are made with PU-coated ripstop nylon for lightweight durability.
Stoic Groundwork Sleeping Bag — 20F Synthetic: $42 (50% Off)
Stoic designed this bag to keep you comfy in chilly conditions. Synthetic insulation is designed to provide warmth even when wet. It has a DWR treatment, draft collar, and mummy hood. The Groundwork bag has a claimed weight of just over 3 pounds, making it an option for longer treks as well as more casual camping.